Marathi Katta
School of Dance

Marathi Katta Germany School of Dance is a branch of Marathi Katta Germany, Frankfurt. MKG School of Dance aims to promote Marathi folk and traditional dance forms. Encouraging every Marathi soul passionate about dance to carry forward the Marathi tradition and spread awareness about our culture amongst the world and our upcoming generations keeping them rooted to their tradition and culture.
MKG School of Dance made their first presence at the Indian fest on Sep 1st 2018, with the first ever Lezim performance Frankfurt ever experienced with the beats of Dhol Tasha. Since then MKG School of Dance has been performing at various events the Indian Consulate Frankfurts, Republic day events, Indradhanush - arranged by Indian Consulate and HCC, at MKG events introducing the world to the great Maratha King Cht.Shivaji Maharaj and great leader Lokmanya Gangadhar Tilak, the women tradition of celebrating Vat Pournima and Mangalagaur, children dancing to the old nostalgic songs of Nach re Mora and Vithu Mauli, the very old Goddess traditions of Aai Bhavani Gondhal and much more…
Coming together to celebrate, spread awareness about the Marathi culture and
immerse our coming generations into our deep rooted culture is an oath we continue to preserve.
We would love to connect with the all of you who are willing to contribute to our initiative and passionate about participating and preserving the Marathi culture 🙏🏻